Incremental Static Revalidation (ISR) and this Blog
Webhook-triggered Incremental Static Revalidation (ISR) is a strategy for generating and updating static webpages based on events, like changes in the data source.
Before diving into this topic, it's important to understand some of the key concepts in modern web development:
- Static Site Generation (SSG): This is a method of generating web pages at build time, so they're ready to be served instantly to visitors. This can greatly increase performance and reliability, but it can be challenging to manage when the content changes frequently.
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR): This is a method of generating web pages on-the-fly as they are requested by the user. This allows content to be updated immediately, but it can be slower and less reliable, especially under high traffic.
- Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): This is a method that combines the benefits of SSG and SSR. Pages are generated at build time and then regenerated as needed, allowing static sites to provide updated content without needing a full rebuild.
- Webhooks: These are a type of callback mechanism that sends an HTTP POST request to a specific URL when a certain event happens. This can be used to trigger actions like ISR.
Now, let's get into the details of Webhook-triggered ISR:
When a website uses Webhook-triggered ISR, it generates static pages during the initial build process and serves these static pages to users. When content changes (such as an update to a blog post in the CMS, a change in product inventory, or any other data source change), a webhook is triggered, sending an HTTP request to the website's server.
Upon receiving this HTTP request, the server knows that a certain page needs to be revalidated (or updated). Instead of rebuilding the entire site, ISR allows just that particular page to be regenerated. In the interim, until the page has been regenerated, the server continues to serve the existing (now stale) static page to users. Once the revalidation process is complete, the server will replace the stale page with the newly generated page, ensuring that subsequent visitors receive the most up-to-date content.
This whole process helps ensure that content updates don't require a full site rebuild (which can be time-consuming and computationally expensive), while still providing users with a fast, static site experience. In high-traffic scenarios, this can significantly improve performance and resource utilization by only regenerating pages as needed, rather than on every request or for every single page when a change occurs.